Robert Herjavec Writes On Dancing With The Stars Week 4, Starts Getting Ready For Disney Week Today

Robert Herjavec writes about his Waltz last night with Kym Johnson in his new blog at Entertainment Weekly. He can still see his mom dancing around their apartment. Lots more at the link. He also talks on Disney Week coming up in this take and answers some questions from fans…

Just when we nailed the frame and got our first 9s, it’s time to change things up. It’s Disney week, and we’re starting a brand new routine TODAY! A lot of people on Twitter want to know how we can possibly be ready to perform a dance live over a matter of days. The truth is—I have no idea! Kym is an excellent teacher and we train every day. It’s very hard—I’m spending at least 6 hours a day practicing. Then I watch footage back to understand where I’m making mistakes, and what the movement should look like.

Other questions from this week:

Which Shark should dance on Dancing with the Stars next season? Mark has been on the show before, and did quite well—so that tells me ANY of us can do it! Just kidding, Mark. I’d love to see Kevin step as far outside of his comfort zone as I have. It could be good for Mr. Wonderful to be judged.

Are you ready for the jive? Next to the rumba, I’ve been told that’s the most challenging dance because the foot action is so quick. I’m up for the challenge. It will be good to cut loose and pick up the pace.