Nyle DiMarco Dedicating Soundless Video To “The Sound Of Silence” Song For Freestyle

Nyle Di Marco is dedicating a soundless video to the “The Sound Of Silence” song for the freestyle. More below courtesy of his You Tube Channel.

Thank you for continuing to make my ride on DWTS so much more thrilling and meaningful. Thank you for continuing my voice in raising awareness about the Deaf culture.

Given that I am Deaf, I am dedicating this soundless video to “The Sound Of Silence” song for our Contemporary-Freestyle dance for the Finale.

My interpretation of the song is that for hundred of years my Deaf community has suffered oppression, marginalization, and language deprivation… but now we’re starting to find hope. It is time for our soundless message to be heard, hence the Sound Of Silence.

P.S. There are 70 million of Deaf people worldwide. Only 2% of them have access to education in sign language. Over 75% of parents do not use sign language to communicate with their Deaf child. Millions Deaf children experience language deprivation. If you want to help and put end to this, please buy a shirt represent.com/nyle and the money will go to Nyle DiMarco FOUNDATION.