Private Members Area – DWTS Season 26 Athletes Premiere Discussion

It’s time again for Dancing with the Stars chatter! Share your thoughts and insights on this week’s episode of Dancing with the Stars Athletes edition from the comfort of the Pure DWTS Private Members Area. If you’re not a Pure DWTS Insider yet, you can do so here. If you are, then I look forward to the discussion in the comments.

A big thanks to all of you who support Pure DWTS and the private member’s area. We had a few technical issues with this area today, but I think we have it all fixed. Let us know if you have any issues and we’ll help you as best we can.

Ok, enough with the housekeeping. What did you think of the premiere episode of the Athletes version of Dancing with the Stars? Do you like having all athletes? Do you like the shortened format? Are you excited for the season? How about the short format?

Also, any standouts after seeing the premiere? Any favorites that you think will win and also those that you wish would win? Any that you just hate? How about the judges and hosts? Thoughts?

Let’s kick off the season right. Plus, let us know how you’re doing since we haven’t heard from many of you for a while.