Private Members Area – DWTS Season 26 Athletes Week 3

It’s time again for Dancing with the Stars chatter! Share your thoughts and insights on this week’s episode of Dancing with the Stars Athletes edition from the comfort of the Pure DWTS Private Members Area. If you’re not a Pure DWTS Insider yet, you can do so here. If you are, then I look forward to the discussion in the comments.

My apologies for not getting a private members post up last week. I was stuck on a bus going to science camp and totally spaced that I needed to do this. I guess 80 5th graders screaming on a bus can do that to you.

Well, I can’t believe it’s week 3 and there’s only one week left. What did you think of tonight’s episode? Feel free to chime in on last week if needed too.

Thanks for all your support. I look forward to the discussion.