Private Members Area – DWTS Season 27 Week 3

It’s time again for Dancing with the Stars chatter! Share your thoughts and insights on this week’s episode of Dancing with the Stars from the comfort of the Pure DWTS Private Members Area. If you’re not a Pure DWTS Insider yet, you can do so here. If you are, then I look forward to the discussion in the comments.

Sorry I’m a little late with this week’s post. I’m traveling in Seattle for work and it’s been crazy.

Enough about me. What did you think of week 3 of Dancing with the Stars? Did you like the most memorable year theme again? Was it better to have it week 3? Any stories that really stood out to you in good or bad ways?

How about the elimination? Were you surprised? Are you happy or sad that they’re gone?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments.