Dancing with the Stars Season 30 WEEK 6!! LIVE BLOG!!

Happy Halloween episode!! And guess what scary-good choreographer/dancer is opening the show?? Don’t be late!! It looks like it will be great.

T-minus ten minutes….

Holy crap. Makeup went all out. And CAI always scares me.

Tyra, you are NOT all that. Get out of Derek’s way.

Okay the online intel (that came from Derek’s dancers) was wrong or they changed up the order.

Witney and the Miz are up first with a Paso Doble related to Hell Raiser. Witney’s little boy is the cutest.

Great start to this dance. Actually, other than being a bit too far forward, he’s doing quite well all the way through. He’s having fun too. Did Witney just get stuck on the floor?? Vinyl and wood probably don’t mix. πŸ™‚

Len says he “nailed it” and then laughed at his own joke. Len notes the posture as well. Derek – Hell Raiser would have danced it just like that. Bruno is bruno. I don’t get CAI’s “looooooved it”. She loved it. πŸ™‚

Scores: 9, 8, 9, 8 for a total 34. That seems about right.

Kenya up next with an AT that is “spidery”. Okay…I hope she kills it like she killed that rumba last week. Arachnophobia – now I get it. I love the bit with the spider and how she laughs at it.

Not quite as on target as her rumba, but still doing a quite good job. I like the AT to have sharper movements and some times they are and sometimes they aren’t. Brandon should have worked a bit more on the exit from the lifts. All in all, though, I think she did very well.

Derek noted a few wobbles, but says she’s very elegant (agree). Bruno notes the transitions need work (agreed). LOVE her earrings. CAI says she has power that others don’t have. Len says she captured the flavor.

Scores: 8, 8, 8, 8 for a total of 32 – another score I’m not to upset or surprised about. I might have thrown one 9 in there, but 32 is fine.

They saved the real acting for Melora…legit scared of Len. πŸ™‚ That was cute.

Jojo up next as Pennywise from IT – that’s just terrifying. Derek might have a nervous breakdown. πŸ™‚ Is it just me or does Jojo’s mom sound exactly like her? Dancing Jazz by the way.

I was getting ready to complain that DWTS pros always turn jazz into whatever style they want, when they busted out something closer to legit jazz with some contemporary thrown in. They weren’t as perfectly in sync as usual, but it was still excellent. Well done.

Bruno says it was brilliant – and he noted my combo of styles. CAI has thoughts – brilliant dancer, but she loved how she pushed herself farther than usual. Len says it was scary and he’s glad he wore his rubber underpants. Ewww…and Len knows it started with a book. Derek is terrified – but says phenomenal.

Scores: 10, 10, 10, 10 for total of 40. Hell, I might have to start voting so this girl doesn’t go anywhere.

Cody up next with American Psycho. They’re dancing cha cha. “Gay years” – LOL. This is kind of a crap combo they got handed – Psycho cha cha??

First move with Cheryl was…fumbled a bit? He seems to take an extra step to get into position. I think I noted this last week as well. I don’t get Cheryl’s outfit either. Weird. That was okay, I guess.

CAI says he was amazing tonight. Really? Len says hallelujah – says he’s finally shown his potential. Derek says it was his best dance (which isn’t that good?), he could see the work. Bruno says it was great and I think they are all on some kinda drugs. But let’s see the scores.

Scorers….does Tyra think she’s funny?? Well, it won’t be the last time she’s wrong tonight I’m sure.

Scores: 9, 9, 9, 9 for a total of 36 – which I think is overscored by a solid 2 or 3 points. I thought Kenya was better.

Jimmy is up next – love him. They’re paying homage to A Quiet Place – excellent movie, by the way. They’re doing contemporary, by the way.

Wow, he’s doing a beautiful job with this. I think he feels his dances, which makes me like him. I don’t know what Emma’s doing, but he’s excellent. I won’t spoil the movie for you all – but that worked on so many levels.

Len loved it, loved the emotion. Derek’s getting all emotional and he spoiled the movie. πŸ™‚ Says he’s authentic – agreed. Bruno says it was so involving. He was being the character. CAI says he understood the power of dance.

Scores: 10, 9, 10, 9 for a total of 38. Should have been perfect all the way, IMO.

Derek up next!! The Miz in a face mask. LOL.

WOW!! That was excellent!! And Hayley’s legs were just out of this world with that AT flavor. Just great. The staging was nice and creepy too.

Olivia up next. I missed what they’re dancing…I’m guessing Paso based on her rehearsal skirt. I was too busy thinking about how great Derek and Hayley were. Derek really showcased her tonight, IMO.

Yep, a Paso to The Purge. She’s doing fine on the attack now. She has a tendency to soften up at times, but really an overall good job!!

Derek says she did a great job. Bruno is…Bruno. He comments on her shoulders – that might have been the softness I saw. CAI raves and notes that Val yanked her around but then says she held her own. I don’t think both can be true. I don’t think her being in the bottom two is a personality thing, she’s just not that well known.

Scores: 9, 9, 9, 9 for a total of 36 – that’s about right.

Mulder!!! Oh. Sorry. Got distracted. Melora’s dad was in the X-Files eons ago. She’s doing Jive with a Cujo theme. Very curious to see how she does with Jive since they’ve raved over her ballroom. She is so lucky to have both her parents still.

She does great getting into character. She’s not doing badly, but this song is really too low energy for a good Jive. Not big on the kicks and flicks. She really lost a lot of energy there at the end or maybe she was saving it for the cartwheel.

Bruno talking strictly about the acting, not the dancing. CAI says she needs to give us more, talking about the acting again, but says it was a little safe. Len says there was quantity and quality – says it was a proper jive. Derek loves her but he agrees with CAI. Me too.

Scores: 8, 9, 8, 9 for a total of 34 – I think that was still overscored, but Len (in particular) consistently over scores her, especially compared to some of the men who I think are not only better dancers, but more entertaining. See Jimmy. There should be more than four points between them, IMO. She’s tied with the Miz who I think had the much better dance tonight.

Numbers Update: Well, here’s the leaderboard

Jojo 40
Jimmy 38
Cody, Olivia 36
The Miz, Melora 34
Kenya 32

Right now, I think we’ll see some combo of Kenya, Olivia and maybe Melora in the bottom two – mainly because two of them have been there before and the third (Melora) is fading into the background, for me anyway.

Next up is Iman with a tribute to Us. Β Did I hear that right? That was a seriously freaking scary ass movie. So good. But so scary. Β They’re doing contemporary. Β Love Daniella – she’s doing quite well with Iman.

Another iconic move!! Wow! And that bit where it looks like he picks her up by the neck. She’s rivaling Jenna right now, as a choreographer and Iman is doing fantastically well handling this dance. The dance is almost as scary as the movie. Damn, that was good.

CAI is raving…as am I. Len compliments Daniella’s choreo, says it was terrific. Derek is on the desk, speechless. People will watch it over and over. Bruno was totally transfixed. Masterpiece.

Iman taking no responsibility for some of those crazy assed moves. πŸ™‚

Scores: 10, 10, 10, 10 for a perfect 40. Well earned!!

Suni is doing a Tango, inspired by Vampire Diaries. She might have messed up trying to scare him. He even got Derek. πŸ™‚

Took them a while to get into the Tango, wish Sasha doing a bit of dancing around her. But once they get into it, she’s doing an excellent job. Especially like the part after the (too many) spins.

Len liked it although the foot work was hit and miss. Derek thought the frame was beautiful, too gentle stepping. Bruno says she has bite (rolls eyes). CAI says there was a tiny lift. (rolls eyes).

Scores: 9, 9, 9, 9 for total of 36. Yeah, that works.

Last dance of the night – Amanda. Commercial for the DWTS tour – having seen Daniella dance in person full out as a pro, the other ladies (and men) need to up their game. That woman is the best I’ve ever seen.

Amanda is not a halloween fan?? They’re doing an AT paying homage to Saw. Alan says it’s the hardest dance he’s choreographed. Wonder if he uses a ghost (that’s for you Court πŸ™‚ )

She walks oddly. The lifts were cool, but something is missing from the other part. Not sure what it is. I don’t think she’s pointing her foot when she swings it up. Something looks odd.

Derek had asked that she challenge herself, that was a very challenging routine, says it was a 10. Bruno says it was so sharp, so much real AT. Great. CAI says she does not disappoint. Then mentioned her period (dear god). Talks about too much tension. Len says the character was good, but it lacked the AT feel. Don’t know what crack Derek was on but I agree with CAI and Len.

Scores: 9, 9, 10, 10 for a total of 38. I would have given straight 9s, since she’s a pro and should have been better.

Numbers Update: I think I still stick with my previous prediction. Here’s the leaderboard

Jojo, Iman 40
Jimmy , Amanda 38
Cody, Olivia, Suni 36
The Miz, Melora 34
Kenya 32

Here we go!!

SAFE: Iman and Dani
SAFE: Olivia and Val
SAFE: Jojo and Jenna
SAFE: Cody and Cheryl
SAFE: The Miz and Witney
SAFE: Amanda and Alan
SAFE: Jimmy and Emma
SAFE: Melora and Artem

Fired a warning shot at Melora calling her safe last.

CAI: Suni and Sasha
Derek: Suni and Sasha
Bruno: Suni and Sasha

Len would have made it unanimous.

Not surprising, since this is Kenya’s third time in the bottom. I know I didn’t predict her in the bottom, but I’m not surprised Suni is there. Sasha is not giving her great chore and it’s taking her too long to make an impact – she just has a quiet personality.