Private Members Area – DWTS Season 27 Week 5

It’s time again for Dancing with the Stars chatter! Share your thoughts and insights on this week’s episode of Dancing with the Stars from the comfort of the Pure DWTS Private Members Area. If you’re not a Pure DWTS Insider yet, you can do so here. If you are, then I look forward to the discussion in the comments.

Time for another Disney week. Are you like me and wonder what kind of exchange the show makes in order to make Disney night happen. Does ABC just license DWTS the rights to all this music and these characters since Disney is getting all promotion of all of these characters? Or does DWTS have to pay Disney in order to use them? Things that make you go hmmm. What do you think?

Ok, the fact that we’re talking about the business of DWTS probably says something about how long we’ve watched the show. 27 seasons is a lot of seasons (since season 5 covering it on Pure DWTS).

Well, what did you think of tonight’s show? Any favorites? How about the elimination? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Based on last week’s post, you all asked that we try and do more interviews with people from the show. Let us know who you think we should try and interview and we’ll reach out to them and see if we can get an interview with them. We’ll let you know of course so we can incorporate your questions into the interview.
