Carson Kressley Talks Of DWTS Phone Call, Replacing Ryan O’Neal, and Lots More!

Thanks to Courtney, she found this fun, new interview with one of Dancing With The Stars’ most fun, crazy, and entertaining contestants, Carson Kressley (and make that one of the “most memorable” Dancing With The Stars contestants to as I don’t think any of us will ever forget Carson’s Moves Like Jagger and Vogue moves as long as we all live). Anyway, below is Carson being interviewed by A Spoonful Of Paolo in his home. Carson talks of the day he got called to do Dancing With The Stars and how he only had 30 minutes to decide since he was replacing Ryan O’Neal (as we all suspected was the case at the time). Of course, and as Courtney remarked to me, Carson also “talks glowingly (and hilariously) about Maks.” He does a funny impression of Anna as well. “The fun never stops” as Paolo writes at the You Tube link description. You’ll get to see Carson on a more personal and serious level too as he remembers his childhood, family, horses, etc. A must see…especially if you need a Carson Kressley fill to make your day!! 😉