SPOILERS!!! DWTS Season 14, Week 4 – Who Got the Boot??

Well, Tom warned us it was a shocking elimination, that’s for sure.  I predicted they would call Gavin safe very early. Just sayin’. 🙂 That’s the only thing I got right tonight, but it’s something.

Eliminated in the fourth week?  Sherri and Val. Shocker. Not from a number standpoint…from a popularity standpoint.

Here are our predictions for who was going home:

Heidi: After a good bit of waffeling, I predicted Jaleel going home with either Melissa or Gladys in the bottom two with him.

Courtney: Had Gavin in her bottom spot in the power rankings, along with Melissa.

John: Called Jaleel on Twitter…AFTER I posted my numbers. Cheater cheater pumpkin eater. 😀

We were ALL wrong.

Anyway, Roshon in the bottom two and Gladys safe…do you know how many votes Gladys had to get?? An assload more than Roshon did, that’s for sure. To be precise, 27,500 votes more per million votes cast. Now that doesn’t necessarily mean Gladys was getting a ton of votes…it might just mean that that Roshon was getting none.  I may just do a post on this elimination so that people understand what it took.

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t hoping for a different person to be eliminated. I’m not a Sherri fan, but she LOVED this show and everything about it…she appreciated every moment and was obviously happy every week. She is what this show is all about.

I’m unhappy.  I’m imagine I will be unhappy most weeks from here on out. 🙁