DWTS Season 12, Week 4 – Chelsea Kane And Mark Ballas Sizing Up The Competition

MTV interviewed Chelsea and Mark. Chelsea discusses “age” and how it’s not a factor again except for going out and having fun which they do more of (huh? I guess she hasn’t seen Kirstie and Maks out having a good time after the show. Kirstie could probably party her under the table if she wanted to). It sounds like they are the most worried about Ralph and Karina. But, they better be worried about everyone in my opinion. (Heidi: Um, hello? I challenge this chickie to a party-off. I swear…the ignorance of youth. Or is that arrogance?)

Edit to Add this quote from Chelsea’s blog today at People. More and a new picture at the link.

Three things I’ve learned this week:
1. Mark Ballas has toes of steel. I’ve stepped on every single one of them and he never flinches.
2. Mark Ballas has a chin of steel. I’ve head butted him twice now and he still hugs me at the end of rehearsal.
3. I have legs of steel. Literally, they are made out of solid, cold metal because they don’t bend or do anything graceful. Scratch that, they’re made of copper. Still stiff, just really golden.

Three things I wish I hadn’t learned this week:
1. The smell of Mark’s knee pads. It’s as if the NHL bottled the stench of their used uniforms and doused Mark’s knee pads with it. I know this because whenever I make a mistake with the choreography, Mark forces me to take a whiff as punishment.
2. Wood burns. That seems obvious if we’re talking about a forest fire, but I’m talking about when your body is being dragged across a dance floor at warp speed, it can take a layer of skin off.
3. There are not enough carbs in the world to satisfy me.

Three facts about the Viennese waltz:
1. It’s the oldest of the current ballroom dances.
2. There is a move in it called a “fleckerls,” which makes me laugh every time I hear it. Do you imagine a chubby kid with a lisp pointing at his sunspots, too?
3. It’s really easy to learn.