PureDWTS Season 28 – GMA Allegedly Revealing Two Contestants on Monday

I don’t watch GMA regularly, and I can’t seem to find any tweets/videos/other proof of this, but according to @LinzeyReed on Twitter, GMA is announcing two of the season 28 cast members on Monday.  I’ll update with any relevant proof, once I find it…

Update: This is apparently Schrödinger’s cast announcement, because this tweet from GMA doesn’t seem to clarify whether the announcement is Monday or Tuesday.  Gotta love the perpetual messy bitch relationship between GMA  & DWTS.. Original tweet deleted; it’s for sure Monday that they’re announcing the names…I sure hope this isn’t an indicator of the level of organization we can expect from this season…

If this really is the case, then I feel like the month of August is going to be a full-court press for DWTS, trying to win back some of the viewers they lost last season and in the long hiatus between season 27 and now.  I’m pretty sure this is the earliest we’ve ever gotten official confirmation on cast members…

…thoughts on who it might be? The fact that they’re announcing two cast members makes me wonder if they’re a package deal…like maybe Gronk and his gf, Camille? Hmmm…