DWTS Season 12 – Mark Ballas Says Chelsea Kane Trusted The Quirks And Originality

Mark writes that he feels “vindicated” now after this past week’s dance (comparing it to the Jive’s low scores the week before) in his new blog at USA Today. “Getting chosen for the encore dance in the Results Show just adds the cherry on top!” and “Everyone should be so lucky”. He also writes that Chelsea trusted his “quirks and originality” which I have to question as well as why he feels so confident after being in one of the hot seats this past week? ❓ 😯 Anyway, more below and at the link. He talks of their new dance coming up as well. The Samba!!

As always, Chelsea nailed the dance and I’m really proud of her. This season, I’ve been pouring my heart and soul into coming up with creative and innovative choreography because I know Chelsea can handle it. She trusted the quirks and originality that I added to a very classic dance, and the judges finally rewarded us. We’re in Season 12 and at this point, our audience has a high dance IQ. It’s all about entertaining the audience and not recycling the same dance. Monday night’s score was such sweet redemption for us.

When we were put in the bottom two on the Results show, I was truly surprised and I thought I was going to have a lot more free time to promote my album than I originally had planned. Getting the Encore, but landing in the bottom was crazy and just shows that regardless of the judges, the viewer votes really do matter. But, with the fan support I’ve received for the album and finishing with the top score on Monday night, I still felt confident.

Sugar Ray is an American icon and I’m sad to see he and Anna go. I’ve known Anna my whole life, so I really feel for her. Sugar Ray is extremely nice and caring to everyone backstage, and is just an absolutely lovely person. They will definitely be missed.

Speaking of America, next week is America week. I can’t think of a more all-American Girl to shine than that adorable, hard-working girl next door; the blond cutie Chelsea Kane. We have a fun dance to choreograph and learn: the Samba. Have you ever been to Carnival in Brazil? Or seen footage of the millions of people dancing in the streets of Rio de Janiero? Samba’s the bouncing dance that you’ll see everyone dancing. It is very rhythmic and the only Latin dance that permits bent legs, aside from the Jive.

Heads up: Mark and Chelsea will be guesting on the Ellen Show on Monday, April 18th.

Picture above posted by Chelsea at her twitter account.