Pure Derek Hough’s Exclusive Interview with Marilu Henner: Derek, DWTS and That Memory

Hey all!  Remember when some of you submitted questions for me to ask Marilu? Well, we finally finished the interview!!  Every single question didn’t get addressed because we were short on time and a few of them were similar to each other, but we got to most of them.  Many, MANY thanks to Marilu for taking the time to talk to me and answer all your questions. She was fun and funny and very engaging.

Note: This interview was conducted over the course of three conversations starting about two (?) weeks ago – just in case there are any timing issues in here.  I’ve put a brief excerpt here – the rest of the interview can be read at www.purederekhough.com.

Olivia: Marilu, I understand that Dancing with the Stars can be very tiring for a lot of people, out of you and Derek, who takes more naps or is caught yawning in rehearsal? Go Team Hennergy!

Marilu: People make jokes about us because we barely take bathroom breaks, we have so much energy together. We often see other couples who take short meal breaks and ask if we’re going to leave as well and we usually say “we just have to get one more thing…”   I’ve never seen him yawn and I never yawn. When we work, we work.

Heidi: But you have fun?

Marilu: Oh we still have fun. We have so much fun. It’s funny, I keep making jokes that I listen to him more than I ever did to any of my 3 husbands. I acquiesce to him, because this is his arena and he knows what to do. I’m usually very bossy but not with him.

Meggie:  Marilu, has any of the editing of your packages /sound bites on the show surprised you? We know you love the dancing aspect of the show, but were you expecting the “reality show” aspect of DWTS? 

Marilu: Until you do a reality show you don’t know what it’s like. I did Celebrity Apprentice so I was aware of how packages are edited together, but I’m always curious about what they find interesting in what they’ve shot during the week. Sometimes I agree with them, but sometimes I’m surprised when a producer asks me a pointed question leading in some direction. I usually ask “are you going for a particular story here, because that was one little comment a few days ago and it was nothing.” Reality shows are always looking for a story and on this one, every couple’s  has to be different – it’s not that they “manufacture” something, a real comment may be made, but so many things happen in week so it’s often a surprise what they choose especially if it’s not fully developed or explained. It’s often just an offhand comment. If you don’t understand what I’m saying, start watching UnREAL it’s the best insight into what goes on on a reality show. It’s probably my favorite scripted show ever!  (Heidi’s Note: Just so you’re aware…Marilu called me when I was stuck in traffic and wasn’t prepared to interview her, but we started chatting about this question and I mentioned UnReal as an example and she instantly said it was her favorite and we literally gushed together about the show and the two lead actresses for 20 minutes. Didn’t want you to think it strange that she mentioned it, after all the talking I do about it on this site and PureDWTS. But you really should watch it. 😉 )

Cathy: I know how ecstatic you were when you found out that Derek was going to be your partner. In what way(s) has he met/exceeded your expectations? What lessons are you learning from Derek that are helping you throughout rehearsals and during your actual performance on show night? How does he encourage you? What words of advice does he give you? What have you been able to do that has surprised you so far this season? What has been your biggest challenge so far? What have you learned about Derek that you didn’t already know? What are your plans for the future? Do think you may write a book which would include your DWTS experiences?

Marilu: It interesting because our whole strategy with each other has changed. I talk all the time about the human brain because of my unusual memory. I give speeches all over the country and Consultants are always saying that when you give a speech there are three important things you should focus on saying – people can usually only remember three things at a time. What happens with Derek is he gives a lot of information and perhaps his other partners might remember 3 things from his list of ten the first day, three other things the next day and so on.  Because of my memory I was remembering all ten things at one time.  After working together for a few weeks, Derek and I realized that I needed to learn the steps first, then the next thing and so on. So it’s better when he layers information with me instead of giving it to me all at once.  I appreciate his patience. He is a brilliant choreographer and teacher and because he knows how to direct, he realizes each partner is different and has to make adjustments. With me, instead of giving me everything at once, he starts with the footwork.

He’s exceeded my expectations. He’s very encouraging. He’s pointed something out to me no one ever said before. He said, “You have very long limbs and when you make a mistake, it’s more obvious. Other people might be able to get away with it.  It’s very obvious when you’re off because of your long limbs.