PureDWTS Season 27, Week 2 – How the Elimination Is Going to Work

I know many of you were curious (and some of you concerned) about how the eliminations will work next week, given how…unusual this week’s elimination was.  Well, I promised I would try to find out, and here’s what I managed to find…

…per my source (who is about 90% sure on this) the scores and votes from this week are moot, and everything starts over on Monday.  Everyone is dancing (1) style on Monday night for judges’ scores (as usual) and viewer votes (as usual); everyone will then dance another style on Tuesday, for judges’ points (and possibly online viewer votes – not entirely sure about that yet).  At the end of the night on Tuesday, two couples will be eliminated, based on judges’ scores from their two dances and viewer votes (definitely from Monday night, possibly from Tuesday night online votes during the show). It’s actually pretty similar to the old days, when we had a results show: scores and votes from Monday will count towards the elim on Tuesday – except this time, there’s another dance on Tuesday they can get points from (and possibly another online vote) to help them if they didn’t do so hot on Monday.

And I know what you’re thinking: is everyone going to dance Tuesday, or just the bottom six again? Source is fairly certain EVERYONE will dance again on Tuesday, because some of the musical guests on Tuesday night (Boyz II Men, Donny Osmond, Blue Man Group, etc.) are actually going to be performing in the couples’ dances.  That tells me two things: one, it’s going to save time (since they’re killing two birds with one stone, and not having the musical guests perform separately) so that they can fit (12) dances into Tuesday night; two, they have to have everyone perform again, because some of the couples have special musical guests in their dance – and if they were only doing the bottom six, there’s no guarantee that all the couples performing with musical guests would actually dance again.  I hope I worded that well – does it make sense???

I absolutely MUST do homework tonight (since this week’s shows ate up Monday & Tuesday for me), but I will try and do a numbers “postmortem” tomorrow or Friday that interprets the results we saw last night, and what it could mean for the coming week.  Happy Hump Day, everyone! 🙂