Brooke Burke Charvet: Production Still Working Out Details For One Night Of Week Of DWTS

Oh, I was hoping when learning Brooke Burke Charvet was on KTLA this morning, she’d mention some teasers about Dancing With The Stars, but, she didn’t for the most part. All that Brooke mentioned is how excited she is for the new season and thinks it will be fun. She also said she has no idea who will be in the new cast. When they mention three names as rumors (John Stamos, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Abby Lee Miller), she seemed really excited about the first two and said “could be” and smiled to Abby Lee (scary, no just no). Brooke also mentions that she thinks one show a week will give the show longevity and that production is still working out the details. Brooke also plugs Sketchers and how for every pair you buy, another pair will be given to someone needy in the world. She discusses her cancer too and how she is cancer free now…. Read more..